An Act of Piety - In the summer of 2008, I brought a stone column and steel wheel to Brushwood to build an altar for Taranis.
Magical Healing: A Personal Journey - This article details some healing work I did for a friend with cancer.
The Nature of Sacrifice - This is a scholarly article about sacrifice, how it was used in ancient times and what it offers to us today.
ADF Cosmology and Sacrifice - This is an article I wrote for the 2008 version of the ADF Dedicant Path booklet.
A Druid Baptism? - This is about an unexpected Pagan baptism I gave myself in Wales in the summer of 2006.
*Ghosti- As A Cheer - The Proto-Indo-European word for, among other things, hospitality, becomes a Grove cheer.
Iron Age Ritual Murder - This was written for my MA, and is a review of the book, Dying for the Gods, by Miranda Green, about Iron Age human sacrifice.
A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry Into Polytheism - This review of John Michael Greer's book did not get into Oak Leaves. Someone else beat me to it!
The New Grange Spirals - this is an article I did on the triple spiral from Newgrange in Ireland that I use as my personal symbol, as in the logo above. It appeared in Oak Leaves issue no. 32, Spring 2006.
Make Offerings, Dammit! - Just a little note to folks on creating relationships with the Powers.
Loss and a Loved One - I wrote this article shortly after my Aunt Claire died.
Living in Surrender - Just a bit of my philosophy!
Creating a Permanent Nemeton - This was written for the ADF Grove Organizers Handbook back in 2005.
A Walk in the Desert - This is my story of spending a week in the desert with a Yaqui Shaman in 2002. I don't think this one was in Oak Leaves.